I’m grateful to all my friends and neighbors who support my campaign:
Ellen Alexander
Jani Anderson
Patti Anderson
Martha Ash
Brian Becharas
Alex Block
Josh Bowes-Carlson
Kelly Burke
Bonnie Byer
Walter Carlson
John Carr
Joan and David Cherry
Ann Cordes
Nina and John Cudecki
Linda Damashek
Debora de Hoyos
Mindy Debes
Allan Deptula
Patrick Donnnelly
Alex Elliott
Bruce Enenbach
Jeff Epstein
David Fenn
Paul and Rebecca Fields
Patrick Foley
Adam Ganjani
Dan Gibbons
Sharon Glazer
Freddie Greenberg
Richard Grant
Phyllis and Chester Handelman
Steve Haslet
Helen Hilken
Carol Helmer
Mary Henebrey
Ann Hennessey
Alisa Holleron
Anne Trompeter and Paul Janicki
Frank Jefferis
Carl Klein
JoEllen Konradt
Marianne Kountoures
Denise La Grassa
Edward Leib
Pat Loftus
Peter and Dorothy Marks
Mary Martin
Jane McCarthy
John McNulty
Chris McGilliculty
Marietta McPike
Mary Sue Mohnke
Barbara Myers
Rob Neems
Jim Orrico
Tom Pelsoci
Allan and Carol Price
Jean Prindville
Carolyn Potts
Anna Roosevelt
Mary Rosinski
Ralph Segall
Jeffrey Smith
Doree Stein
Sheila Sullivan
Judith Terrizzi
Steve Test
John Teuber
John Walsh
Jack Weiss
Joan Welch
John Wendler
John Story Williams
Debra Wolff
“John has the experience, a tireless work ethic and a commitment to service. We’re grateful for his dedication to the community and it’s my pleasure to wholeheartedly endorse him.”
Josh Bowes- Carlson
Southeast Evanston Association President
Walter Carlson
Former District 65 School Board President
Emily Guthrie
Former 3rd Ward Council Member
Ann Jennett
Youth Job Center Executive Director
Bennett Johnson
Community Activist
Nick Korzeniowski
Former 3rd Ward Council Candidate
Hon. Jay Lytle
Two-Term Mayor of Evanston
Mark Metz
District 202 Past President
Jeff Smith
Founding President
Central Street Neighbors Assoc
Illinois Realtors
Ralph Segall
Evanston Community Foundation
Board Member
Gerri Sizemore
“Vision Keepers” Award