My views on some of the issues affecting the Ward and the City overall.

Vote for John Kennedy for Evanston 3rd Ward City Council alderperson

What does it mean to be an Independent Voice?
Being Independent means my vote is not influenced by anyone other than you; my only loyalty is to the residents I represent. I am open to all ideas regardless of where they come from. And may the best idea prevail!

What’s your take on the Envision Evanston plan and process?
The idea of a long-range vision for a better Evanston is great. Let’s do it! But the current Comprehensive Plan the Mayor is promoting is a vision, not a Plan. Why are we racing to approve an unfinished Draft of an unspecified Plan in a matter of weeks?

I support the idea of sensible, sensitive city planning with more vital neighborhood centers and more affordable housing. But the proposed zoning regulations are not achieving this stated goal. I disagree with the current zoning changes, particularly those affecting the Ward.

This plan will impact Evanston for many decades, so we have to get it right. What is the rush? It makes me wary and nervous.

How do you view parking?
This is a big issue for the ward, especially south of Main St. I will do nothing to make it worse. For example, I do not support the sale of our City owned parking lots because it would make street parking even tighter. And where it does make sense to build new apartments, I will demand that the developer provide a reasonable amount of parking for tenants.

What about the relationship with Northwestern?
Northwestern is the largest property owner in Evanston - but they pay no property taxes due to a State Charter law passed in 1851. And, when they purchase a property, like the office building at 1800 Sherman, it comes off the tax rolls, for both the City and our schools.

I will work constructively - and openly - to make sure the University is an equal partner in maintaining and enhancing the community.

Would you have voted to allow Northwestern to use the new stadium for concerts and other events?
No. The impact on the neighbors who live nearby and the unknown congestion that the concerts will cause is not right. Furthermore, there is no recourse to renegotiate this arrangement if it is not working.

I heard the City is moving out of the Civic Center building. Why?
Moving the City offices into a rental building downtown is an example of the Council’s long history of poor decisions and lack of financial responsibility. The only reasonable and affordable option is to partially renovate the existing Civic Center and move back in. We own a perfectly functional building, so why rent?

Do you support the Reparations Program?
Evanston, has gained national attention for its groundbreaking effort to implement a local reparations program aimed at addressing historical racial inequities, particularly around housing discrimination. I support this effort.

Why do you think you’re the best candidate for the 3rd Ward?

  • I am the only candidate with the business and financial experience needed to help run a City with a $400 million budget.

  • I’ve been active in City issues for decades, starting with saving the Civic Center in 2007. My focus has always been to find less expensive common-sense solutions that solve the issue.

  • I’ve lived in the Ward far longer than the other candidates and know what was promised in the past, what was delivered, and what was not.

  • I’m not a politician. I’ll do what I think is best for you, with no backroom deals, hidden agendas, favors, or campaign contributions to influence my voice or vote.

What about communications and services to Ward 3 residents?
I pledge to be proactive and invite dialog on major issues. I also promise to be very responsive to requests by residents for City services. I know, firsthand. our alleys are just as important as our streets.